View Profile suppertime

33 Movie Reviews

6 w/ Responses

Nice omage to me

Well ryan, it was... not what I expected. Props for returning to the way of the sprites and other than that. Use a shape tween to change the health bar falling. Make sure the character doesn't slide around town... also, kudos on your first non-blamage

speakerblast responds:

thank u suppertime


It's not that bad =P, It's actually alot of fun! Nice work btw, there's always someone **cking around... like the fighter... HAHA getting drunk off mountain dew!

Amazing is spelt O-N-E

If I had to pick one flash I was jealous of, it'd be this one, hands down this is AMAZING, the dancing can be hilarious and awesome, and the duet at the end is superb!

A brillant idea which reflects DDR ish things then blows it out of the water. Using two characters (a simple one and a complex one) this provides a nice balance. The Red head rips it up while the wooden dummy seems to favor a more sensitive side, no matter who you think won the real winner is us, the viewers.

We win because we are privilaged enough to partake in the experiance only possible on the internet. It's a good thing.

If you can only watch one flash, watch this one

Amazing, communists + mario = awesome!

The animation is smooth (except the commy flag) the style fits, the whole concept is beautifully done... it can be described as nothing but amazing!

Every see madness?

It's done very good, the twist was easy to see through, but it was done very nicely, a nice madness clone, but longer, and cooler, everybody loves jedi bunnys!


What happens after they destroy the box though? And how do you join the lock group? it's nice and stupid, why would you steal batteries? anyways, it's a little on the short side...

N4LBenji responds:

Lol we stole batterys because mp3 lock needed em..., It is pretty simple to join just go to www.locklegion.com


It's a cool concept, I was looking forward to a sprite movie =(, oh well, if this was a game, it would kick @$$

Ani-x responds:

lol a game you say...
hmmmmmm maybe one day

Funny and strange

Which is a combonation that wins, watch the movie and see WHY I eagerley await the third (if there is one)

Painball kicks ass

Age 97, Male

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Where the heart rests

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